
In the course of the Project, the following milestones shall be achieved:

Milestone numberMilestone name Work package(s) involvedExpected date Means of verification
M1 Project kick-off Project as a wholemonth 1 Related work packages successfully launched RTD and management procedures set up and explained
M2 System specification WP1month 6 Application scenarios completed Technical documentation completed and accepted Network architecture designed and accepted
M3 Mobile sensor platform WP2 month 13 Relevant sensors selected and successfully adjusted Basic carrier platform designed and prototyped
M4 Squid drive system WP3 month 19 Squid drive system architecture and specification ready Drive system developed and tested in the lab settings
M5 Subsea monitoring network WP4 month 25 Intelligent Subsea Network with integrated AUV designed - constructed and field-tested
M6 Field surveys WP5 month 30 Meteoric waters from relevant areas sampled and analyzed Field surveys in Eckernforde Bay and in Horsens Fjord completed
M7 Data publication and technological release Project as a whole month 36 Project deliverables completed Technological components ready for release and scientific data completed and released